Friends of Par Beach Bat Walk
Posted on Sat 26th August 2017 9.31AM in category News

FoPB Bat Walk | Report
26th August 2017

Friends of Par Beach had another very successful bat walk on Saturday evening. A fantastic turnout of sixty five people including ten children came along. Carol Williams, one of the country’s leading bat experts, gave a short background talk about bats in the UK, in Cornwall and also what we may see and hear on the walk around the Local Nature Reserve. After answering many questions she handed out some bat detectors to the children and as dusk was falling we had a wander along the access road towards the Orchid Field. On the way and at the field we started to see some Pipestrelles making an appearance against the darkening sky. We then went back to the pond and ended up at the reed bed end where we were treated to hearing and seeing lots of bats feeding on the insects there. Common Pipistrelle, Soprano Pipistrelle along with Daubentons were seen and heard on the detectors and Carol thought she may have heard the sound of a Nathusius’ Pipistrelle, a rare bat but slowly increasing in numbers.

Some of those attending were shown the bat boxes near the pond that we put up at the beginning of the year. It hasn’t been confirmed yet but at least one of them may be being used as a summer roost already. 

Everyone said how much they enjoyed the evening and Carol said that she will be happy to run another at the same time next year. Keep an eye on our website for info on that and other events.

The photo shows the assembled gathering outside our new Beach Hub (more info on that in a separate announcement) with Carol Williams on the very far right.

We will be donating £41 from the receipts for the evening to the Cornwall Bat Group to help with the running of the Bat Aid Hospital In Truro. Carol also received donations for the Bat Group and are awaiting to hear how much she collected.

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