AGM | Report
Posted on Thu 13th September 2018 6.22PM in category News

AGM | Report
13th September 2018

Friends recently held their 9th AGM on Thursday, 13th September 2018. Yet another year has flown past!

Held as usual at The Gott Hall in Par the event attracted a reasonable 29 people, to hear reports given by the Chair, Richard Parks and Treasurer, Mike Freemantle.

Richard outlined the many and various events and activities that we have attended or organised including two new events, an Easter Trail and Bio-diversity Walk which both proved very successful, plus the continually popular quiz evenings and thanking all the people involved in organising and running the various events over the past year.

With the election of officers, Richard Parks remains as The Chair, and Mike Freemantle remains as Treasurer but due to an impending move out of Par, Jules Jonklaas has steped down from the committee which has left us without a Secretary as nobody came forward for the role. Jules has agreed to continue to organise our quiz nights for which we are very pleased.

Phil Gadd, Gill Butler and Tamsyn Howes remain as Committee members, but we are losing Cathy Trodd, and would like to thank her for all her efforts and support over the last few years. We are pleased that Caroline Ward has joined our number as well as Jan Phillips who has returned to the committee after a number of years absence.

The AGM then had a short break for refreshments and socialising, and this was followed by a very lively and totally absorbing presentation by Sue Sayer of the Cornwall Seal Group Research Trust (CSGRT). Have a look at Whilst on the website take a few moments to follow the, HAIRSTORY and seals, article and cast your Vote in support of CSGRT. Or to go directly to the voting page follow this link Your vote counts!

Altogether it was a successful and friendly evening, and the plentiful food prepared by Janet Parks was much enjoyed, so thanks to Janet for her efforts on our behalf.

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